PS 373R Autism Spectrum Disorder Information Site. Posted by pta373 in Uncategorized. You can download the coloring book through February 17 at bn. Posted by pta373 in Uncategorized.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Hard to believe he is 13 today! Happy Birthday, Noah James xo. Thursday, October 2, 2014. October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. We are celebrating our sweet boy. Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Our first day back to school today. We had a rocky start but it was a good day. Summer went by way too fast, but at least we had a good one. Monday, June 23, 2014. Noah played with the Miracle League back home but this was his first year here.
The story of our adoption. AND ANYONE WHO WELCOMES A LITTLE CHILD LIKE THIS ON MY BEHALF IS WELCOMING ME. Monday, March 5, 2012. Here I go to finally talk about it. The diagnosis that every parent dreads. I said it myself when I was pregnant. I said, God, I can handle anything but autism. Difficult pregnancy, early birth, bad delivery, 3 weeks of NICU, and now autism. And yet, I have the best little boy in the world. Wednesday, February 8, 2012.
Supporting those affected by Alström Syndrome. What is Alström Syndrome? Biography of Carl-Henry Alström. Mouse models for Alström Syndrome. ALMS1 Gene and Mechanism Studies. Board of Directors and Family Outreach Coordinators.
5 tips for your marriage. Having Fun with the Language of Play. There is a language we all need to learn to speak in order to communicate with our special needs children. Better Language and Happier Moms. ASPIRE is a speech-language pathology office in Grapevine, TX. Contact us to learn more. But there is HOPE! .
Jak si ulevit, ale neublížit miminku. Tuštička N i n u š k a . a autík? Přivezli jsme si tehdy z porodnice naprosto zdravé dítě, dnes je to trochu jinak. Přesto nezoufám! O životě s Ninuškou. Naše diagnózy, potíže a úspěchy. Tuštička N i n u š k a .
Monday, August 29, 2005. The National Autistic Society - Home. Nationwide charitable organisation with a network of branches and affiliated local societies. Overview of policies, campaigns and services with details of. Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children. A Maryland based non-for-profit organization that offers services ranging from early intervention to vocational training programs for people affected by.
Sunday, December 24, 2017. 37 - A review of the year. For the first time since the henna years of my early twenties, I dyed my hair. I have considered the prospect of colourful hair for ages - probably most of my adult life, but I was inexplicably nervous and worse - ten years ago, I thought I was probably too old.
Can Mom Be Calm? Raising Two Special Needs Children Without Anxiety and Depression. Monday, December 5, 2011. Hello and Goodbye but Not Really. As I see that folks are still continuing to drop by despite the last post in November 2011. Thanks for dropping by Can Mom Be Calm? Ps I may be absorbing my old one into the new one so my followers can get my latest updates.