Friday, April 11, 2014.
Today is April 7, 2011. A terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes. My iPad is 64 gigabytes. Your flashdrive might be two gigabytes. Does that put things in perspective? Two and A Half Men. Not only is he not spend.
From One Generation to the Next, Sharing the Pleasures of a Three-Minute Pop Song. Vinyl really did sound better! Then came the crackles and pops, and I remembered why CDs were such a revelation when they came along. When my daughter got home from school we had a teachable moment when I showed her how to gently lower the needle into the groove. I turn the music up,.
June 25, 2015 by. Write a lead that explains what you have found in your research. Make it involve action and reaction. You might even use a term from the reporting guide. Is this blog post about the future? About scope or intensity? Use those terms if you can. Wrote a breaking news story about the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. June 23, 2015 by.
I stumbled into the media, I note what I see. I joined the Daily Monitor in 2008 as an assistant chief sub editor. Previously, I had worked as a sub editor in the New Vision. In 2009, I was promoted to a deputy chief sub editor and a year later named chief sub editor. In May 2013, I was named managing editor for daily editions, a position I was confirmed to three months later.
The e-book, website and resource for journalism students everywhere. Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Staffers at Southern Weekend, who went on strike when a propaganda official rewrote an editorial, returned to work and published the paper as scheduled on Thursday. There was no mention of the clash in its pages.
For the new generation of journalists who are making headlines and writing them, too. How To Make a Clip Book. Where to Go with Degree in Hand. Should We Be Going Mobile? December 9, 2013.