Appreciating the individual beauty of beads and the unique works of art they are used to create! Tuesday, March 31, 2015. People living in Florida might think 47 degrees is COLD! Ohioans will likely be wearing shorts and flip flops later on today, especially if it gets to 60.
News and information for crafters of jewelry and other decorative artwork. Please update your bookmarks and grab the new RSS feeds there. So I paid it a visit. So I suspect that Beading Daily will become a popular site.
Friday, March 16, 2018. HeART beats from other blogs! How to train your dragonfly necklace video tutorial! Lava stone necklace for essential oils. Ice Queen earrings video tutorial. Using broken gemstones and beads in new jewelry designs. Little Boy Blue bracelet video tutorial. Thursday, March 15, 2018. Spring Crocus - for sale.
Business Directory for Burlington, North Carolina. Saturday, January 23, 2010. Friday, July 3, 2009.
Sunday, March 8, 2015. How To Create A Morse Code Necklace. Tiger tail or silk cord. In the video, the word love is being spelled out.
take a story-break and read a Blogger Story! November 20, 2007. With colors, some with movement some with notes. Beth through our mutual friend, Nettie Hartsock. And was immediately captivated by how she uses words. Her recent book, Undercover. On November 20, 2007.
Pas très productive en ce moment, mais la découverte de micro-emporte-pièces au marché de printemps de Ribeauvillé, ma donné envie de patouiller. juste le temps de faire quelques paires de boucles doreilles pour lété. Et voilà, jessaierai de faire dautres couleurs dans les semaines à venir. Dans la fimo et moi. 2 Attrapes rêves pour commencer lannée 2017 en douceur.