Adipt Software Blog on Innovation, Technology, Management and Market. What is Adipt upto? We did a fresher walkin in Bangalore, we are quite strict on recruiting best minds. It is LGPL licensed, whi.
Monday, August 24, 2009. With the new Bizwords site. The blog for Bizwords is on the new site. It will cover Business Writing and Networking. Click here to go there.
Thursday, January 29, 2009. 5 Tips Menjadi Seorang Pemimpin. SUNGGUH menyenangkan rasanya bila berada di posisi puncak dalam sebuah perusahaan. Memang bukan sebuah hal yang mudah dan bisa diperoleh dalam waktu sekejap, tetapi butuh banyak perjuangan dan kerja keras yang harus dilewati. Seperti yang dilansir dari career builder, ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu lakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum menuju posisi puncak.
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way . A Remarkable Way to Boost Mora. Now, Discover Your Strengths. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The Little Red Book of Selling. Protect Your Business by Performing a Background Check. 4 Simple Steps to Successful Delegation. Attract Your Dream Customer! You need the ones who are a good match for YOU.