If you find a bad link or have additional information, please notify me by e-mail. On Nov 24, 2003. On July 19, 2004. Created by Bonnie Lee Hill,. Last modified on March 15, 2018.
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I take a position one or two times a day at the most, not more. This has to do with discipline a very important and underestimated aspect of trading. You may find it more important to learn about daytrading, systemtrading and my thoughts about it than read my TRADERSBLOG ABOUT DAYTRADING.
Trading bulletin and a log about daytrading futures in general but especially the DOW JONES, the FDAX and the German BUND with a focus on system trading. Sunday, November 16, 2008. We saw intraday movements only normally seen in months. It is also the sudden change in volatility that has surprised many people. In a magazine called Traders.