Our Mission is to make your cigar experience. Fun, Exciting, and Truly KickAss! AKA Cigars is a Boutique Cigar Company highly focused on Quality. We started with our ideas and concepts in early 2010 of creating a company that will be known for High Quality Products, as well as a Fun, Exciting, and Edgy Nature. We started selling in commerce in May of 2011 and we will continue to work hard to evolve into a company that everyone knows and trust for Quality Products. AKA Announces The Nth Degree.
Posted by CJ Åkerberg under Övrigt. Den som följt denna blogg har sett att aktiviteten har sjunkit rätt markant under 2008. Detta på grund av en hel del faktorer, nytt jobb och ny blogg som kräver mer tid vad som projekterades från början. Så, den här bloggen kommer att förbli i lågnivåläget ett tag till. Möjligen att det petas in en recension när vädret blir lite mer cigarrvänligt, vi får helt enkelt se.
The best things in life at better prices. BestCigarPrices blog has moved! April 22, 2010 by bestcigarprices. April 16, 2010 by bestcigarprices. The first crude cigars began to emerge around 500 A. as the Mayas scattered across the continent.
La Sirena Contest Winner Announcement. More on that Sunday as we are. Here tonight to select a winner of the La Sirena. Cigars and a Stage V Clinger.
A log of our cigar adventures. We will attempt to try many different cigars to talk about. Hopefully, not all of them will be smoked on the golf course. We welcome any comments you have about your favorite cigars on this blog. Wednesday, December 13, 2017. Carrillo Inch seemed to work very well and still fit in the cigar clips that attach to your cart. Buy the larger size 50 ring cigars and test them by rolling in your finge.
About Cigar Newbie and its Author, Linus. Sometimes, I like Mondays. Today, I got some goodies.
Habanos Cigar Blog - The authority on Cuban Cigars. Wednesday, January 03, 2007. Not only did it taste spectacular it also looked it. The oily, chestnut-coloured wrapper was in perfect condition and it drew just superb the whole way down. If you find one try it. To celebrate I lit my fi.